Repair Cafe West Shore

Save money and keep stuff out of the landfill by getting your items fixed for free (or a small donation) at Repair Café West Shore! Electronics/computers, lamps, bikes, garden tools, toys, small appliances!
What do you do with broken items you don't know how to fix? Toss 'em? No Way!!! … Come to our Repair Café and let our terrific volunteer Hero Handyfolks help you $ave and keep more electronics, computers, lamps, bikes, garden tools, toys, small appliances, furniture, clothes and other stuff out of the landfill!
Not sure what a Repair Café is all about? Watch our short video and find out!
ReImagine West Shore is stoked to be collaborating with the Langford Residents' Association on this ReThink Waste initiative!
Sponsored by the Capital Regional District, City of Colwood, City of Langford, Town of View Royal, District of Metchosin, District of Highlands and Vancity. Thank you also to WD-40 for providing terrific product supplies to support our volunteer Handyfolk!