The Zone @ 91-3 is excited to team with Big Wheel Burger to nominate an outstanding teacher each month.
Tell us about a fantastic teacher in your life in the form below.
Once a month, we`ll draw one teacher and the student who nominated them to receive a $50 GC from Big Wheel Burger! Additionally, each student in that teachers’ classroom will receive a $10 gift certificate to Big Wheel Burger.
Enter now and you will be guaranteed a coupon for free fries and pop with purchase of any burger from Big Wheel Burger at the end of the month.
Congratulations to Claire Atkins , The Zone’s Teacher of the Month for June 2019
Beth says:
“This form asks for the student’s age and how many kids are in the class. Well, that is not applicable here, and the reason is I am nominating my mum who is a teacher librarian at Reynolds Secondary School. As a librarian, she is often overlooked. I was guilty of that myself, I didn’t think she did much. I recently spent a day with her at school (I have graduated) just helping out, and I saw how much support she offered the students and teachers, I had one teacher come up to me saying my mum was amazing in helping with lesson plans and the creation of this new course down to the assignments. I didn’t know she did so much for everyone else, not just sitting there with her nose in a book. So yes, while I am not a student and my mum isn’t in a classroom she is a teacher through and through, not just to the students but the other teachers. That is why I nominate her.”
Congratulations to Brad Lidstone , The Zone’s Teacher of the Month for May 2019
Kylen says:
My name is Kylen, I’m a grade 7 student at Spencer Middle School. My teacher is Mr. Lidstone. He is the greatest teacher I have ever had. Here are some things that make him awesome. Everyday I see him being kind and understanding to every kid and staff member. This kindness and understanding has helped me have the most successful year in school. It has helped me enjoy coming to school. He takes us on really fun field trips. In June we will be going to Vancouver to go to the water slides. Woooohoooo Wicked! Right? Should be a really fun time. Mr. Lidstone and I also share a deep love of burgers and would be thrilled to share a burger party together with the class. He also has the coolest sneaker collection. These are only some of the reasons Mr. Lidstone is the GREATEST teacher I have ever had.
Now…here are a few words from my classmates on why they think Mr.Lidstone is the best.
- so nice to the class
- he cares about his studentshe takes us to the park
- hands on activities
- loves his sneakers
- fun field trips
- a good teacher (I learn a lot)
- he is sporty
- shows us videos
- makes Dad jokes
- he’s short so it makes me feel tall
- I like his hair
- I like his teaching methods
- I like how he takes us to the park when he “doesn’t want to deal with us”
- I love how is always so nice
- he is so inspirational
- I love how Mr. Lidstone always has shoe game
- I love how Mr. Lidstone is hilarious and actually has a personality and is not a robot
- I like how he is so passionate about sneakers
- Mr. Lidstone is a special teacher and he likes sports and he always cares about others
- I loved the Tragically Hip project he gave us
- The projects he gives are really fun
- I love how his hair always looks perfect
- He doesn’t give a lot of homework
- I love how Mr. Lidstone is always organized (sometimes)
Mr. Lidstone. YOU RULE!”
Congratulations to Jenna Moores , The Zone’s Teacher of the Month for April 2019
Jackson says:
“My teacher is special to me because whenever I need help she comes over and helps me and makes me feel important. She cares so much for us in every situation. She loves playing sports with us and making learning fun!
Mrs Moore makes us think for ourselves, but if we really need extra help she comes and helps”.
Congratulations to Gordon Thatcher , The Zone’s Teacher of the Month for March 2019
Kathleen says:
“While studying the French Revolution, Mr. Thatcher handed out bags of popcorn to only some of the students. They were the “upper class” while the rest of the class whined about why he only gave it to his favourites. He then went on to explain about the French Revolution and the “class system” that was at work back then. He did give everyone popcorn at the end of the class though.
He makes learning fun, and he is kind and funny.
I am happy I have him again this year!”
Congratulations to Nancy Puckett , The Zone’s Teacher of the Month for February 2019
Adam says:
“I’m a student, and assistant instructor under 6th degree black belt, master instructor – Sensei Nancy Puckett. Sensei Nancy has fostered a particularly special environment in a martial arts school unlike any other school I have ever come across in my 20+ years in the dojo.
Serenity Martial Arts Club is a private-invite school where young students facing various challenges in life come together twice a week, in a karate class to embrace, and overcome their challenges via a myriad of different experiences. Some of the challenges our students face include Autism Spectrum Disorder, Down-syndrome, ADHD, FASD and various social anxiety hurdles.
Traditionally, a martial arts school is founded on the principles of martial discipline and strict etiquette; and, while we utilize some of these ideals at later stages, Sensei Nancy has found a way to knock down many of the social barriers that come with the above noted challenges while fully including the students in a rigorous, nurturing sport that may have otherwise been difficult for them to enjoy. I have seen her in more than one occasion, bring a non-verbal child with no attention span nor social queues or filters, to someone with leadership qualities and an ability to help teach a class themselves, and do so effectively. She has been working at this for over 15 years, constantly buffing her martial art and her teaching and coaching skills. Some of the students in our class have even been with us for almost the entirety of that time.
There is so much more to say – but in short, Sensei Nancy Puckett dedicates not only her time in the dojo to these young people, but countless hours of her personal time as well, and garnishes positive relationships with the individual families, creating her own ‘martial arts family’. I believe that had she not played the role she does in the dojo, some of these students would be much further away from where they are today as far as confidence and the strong moral character they exhibit and, not to mention, some of these kids can really kick a$$ at karate!”
Congratulations to Chris Murray , The Zone’s Teacher of the Month for January 2019
Cloe says:
“Mr. Murray isn’t my school teacher. Mr. Murray is my dad. He is my life teacher and he is the most caring, loving, patient teacher and person I have ever known.
When I was younger I would spend days in my dads classroom watching him teach and connect with his students. I would always hear stories of how awesome of a teacher he was, everyone wanted to be in Mr. Murray’s class.
He has gone on to different schools and has finally landed where he belongs, teaching art to aspiring artists and students. He takes pride in teaching every student his love of the arts.
He had aspirations as a young artist of being someone big and famous. Well in my eyes he is someone HUGE and he has become someone bigger than he even knows. He has taught kids the most important things, he’s taught me the most important things.
My dad isn’t just the art teacher at Mount Doug, my dad is the BEST teacher in life.”
Congratulations to Kristen Sinats , The Zone’s Teacher of the Month for December 2018
Jasper’s mom Stef says:
“Mrs. Sinats has been nothing but kind and exceptional. Always advocating for my son to feel confident and valued despite his learning difficulties.
She has created a safe space where every child is valued and can learn at their own pace and with their own tool-set. My son is a mover and a shaker so the wobble chair was implemented and then Mrs. Sinats brought a foot bike that sits under his desk. My son quietly peddles all day to get out his wiggles and focus on his work.
She supports the children and cheers them on for their strengths. We were lucky to have her for grade 2 and she was caring enough to take my son on again for grade 3, which has made it an easy transition while sorting through his learning challenges.
We are ever so grateful for a teacher that goes well above her job description. “
Congratulations to Angie Sanchez , The Zone’s Teacher of the Month for November 2018
Sarina says:
“I have an incredible teacher (and she doesn’t wear a red spandex uniform!).
Almost every morning she takes our class on an adventure up Christmas Hill to get fresh air before we start math.
She puts on upbeat music during self reading or art time. She used to be the schools music teacher and she always incorporates music into our daily activities.
She knows all of us personally and never mixes up our names. She’s not strict but sometimes she does have to raise her voice to get us to simmer down. Near the end of the day she usually gives us extra time outdoors to play or she puts on a dance song for us.
She is tons of fun and she is my favourite teacher ever! (And she brags to the other teachers that we are one of her favourite classes!)”
Congratulations to Tara Baird, The Zone’s Teacher of the Month for October 2018
Fraser and his mom say:
“Teacher extraordinaire Ms. Tara Baird, has an infectious energy and a devotion to every single student in her class. She greets each one of them individually everyday into her classroom, getting them ready to learn, not just academically, but by creating a feeling of community and security.
She has a quirky reptile in the class named Gandalf that garners affection from all, as well as a therapy dog that comforts and draws interest from students within the classroom environment. She knows the value of the outdoors and brings the kids on multiple nature walks and experiences throughout the week.
The community is lucky to have such a committed teacher working with our kids.”
Congratulations to Laura Biggs, The Zone’s Teacher of the Month for September 2018
Ryan says:
“Laura Biggs, an instructor at the Pacific Horticultural College is a walking saint. She has taken a motley crew of rowdy 20 somethings, and turned us into full plant nerds. Laura Biggs has guided our class through the murky mists of Botanical science, into the muddy lands of Soil knowledge, and the intimidating halls of Plant Health. Every step of the journey she has made interesting and approachable. Laura Biggs innovates ways to help the dense chunks of information take root in our knowledge banks and help us as we step forward into the real world of horticulture.
I can picture no one else who could achieve what Laura Biggs has done with our class. We would all feel lost without her presence as an instructor. She is the northern star of our learning experience so we can navigate these dangerous waters masterfully”.