The Zone @ 91-3 has declared 2023 to be the Year of the Taco! 🌮
What does Year of the Taco mean for you? It means that every month of 2023 will come with a taco surprise.

What are tacos without hot sauce? We’ve got you covered.
Pop into The Zone’s Emporium of Sundries and Notions to purchase a bottle today! Special thanks to Island Chef Pepper Co. for this delicious creation.
It has a bit of heat, bold flavor, and a smokey finish. Most importantly, it won’t burn on the way out.
Use promo code ZONE at their website for 10% their full range of products.
Here we are wrapping up the Year of the Taco!
So every Tuesday in December, you could win a gift card to one of the many Taco eateries we’ve partnered with this year. Plus we’ll throw in a bottle of our Year of the Taco Hot Sauce from Island Chef Pepper Company.
So join us as we salute the finale of the Year of the Taco.
And as they say, “A Merry taco to all, and to all a good bite”.

Enjoying some deliciousness during The Zone’s Year of the Taco, Sally, Jordan, and Zach of MONOWHALES broke b̶r̶e̶a̶d̶ tortillas with DJ Boitano at Mesa Familiar to talk about their new single Hear Me Out, touring during a pandemic, and their favourite Ontario eating spots. You can also check out this awesome taco guitar!
taco type trivia!
Do you call it cilantro or coriander, ever wonder which is correct? Cilantro refers to the leaves of the coriander plant! All parts of the plant are edible so you are basically correct either way.
Some people don’t care what it is officially called, they just refer to it as disgusting!
Thanks to a gene that is most likely passed down from Mom or Dad some people find that cilantro tastes like soap. Interestingly it tastes like soap because of your nose (if you are one of these people) thanks to an olfactory-receptor gene called OR6A2 you can pick up on the smell of aldehyde chemicals that are found in both cilantro and soap which tricks the brain into making it also taste like soap!
what's happened so far?

Adam won TACOS FOR A YEAR to kick things off in January!
So many taco places!
Lazy Gekko – Kattia’s Kitchen – Tacofino – 3 Gringos – Taco Justice – Taco Revolution and more…
In February, we gave away tacos every Tuesday from Benjo’s Tacos! A locals favourite who recently announced they are moving from their Esquimalt location to Cook Street (sharing space with Empire Donuts). It’s exciting news after being forced to shut down in December due to a fire and water damage.
The Year of the Taco wouldn’t be complete without the perfect sauce. After all, Zoners — The Positive Majority — deserve something positively s’awesome on their taco. In March we introduced you to The Zone’s Hot Sauce. It’s crafted by Island Chef Pepper Co., it tastes good, and does good by helping out The Zone’s TLC Fund for Kids.
Every Tuesday in April, we handed out $30.00 gift cards to Kattia’s Kitchen, kicking things off with Kirsten James taking the Midday Zone on the road from Kattia’s location at Commonwealth Place. They even swung by for a fun stop in The Zone’s parking lot for an afternoon surprise!
Every Tuesday in May, we handed out $50.00 gift cards to Taco Revolution! Keep your eyes and taste buds ready to find Taco Revolution at Berkey’s corner in Duncan, the Duncan Farmers Market, the Cedar Farmers Market, Red Arrow Brewing, and the Qualicum Beach Farmers Market.
Every Tuesday in June, we handed out $30.00 gift cards to TacoTime – Where Hungry Eats!
TacoTime Canada said “Hola” at their first location in Lethbridge, Alberta in 1978. Customers crave the rich Mexi flavours, great value and love their commitment to Canadian sourced, quality ingredients. TacoTime serves their signature Classic Burritos, Tacos, crispy Mexi-Fries® and original Hot Sauce made in-house daily. For over 40 years, they passionately deliver on TacoTime’s original recipes with fast and friendly service.
Every Tuesday in July, we handed out $30.00 gift cards to Mesa Familiar. Find them in Fernwood at 1296 Gladstone.
Mesa Familiar translates to “family table” a name which expresses the vision; A comfortable space where people of all walks of life can come together to enjoy a meal. Mesa Familiar love to cook and eat and entertain. Come in and meet the great staff that make it all happen every day

The Year of the Taco celebrates August with $50.00 gift cards every Tuesday so you can enjoy everything Finest at Sea has to offer! Find them at Fisherman’s Wharf!
Halibut, Lingcod, Sockeye, seared smoked Tuna, spicy poached Octopus – looking for a fish taco? Look no further!

Every Tuesday in September, we handed out $30.00 gift cards to TacoTime – Where Hungry Eats!
TacoTime Canada said “Hola” at their first location in Lethbridge, Alberta in 1978. Customers crave the rich Mexi flavours, great value and love their commitment to Canadian sourced, quality ingredients. TacoTime serves their signature Classic Burritos, Tacos, crispy Mexi-Fries® and original Hot Sauce made in-house daily. For over 40 years, they passionately deliver on TacoTime’s original recipes with fast and friendly service.

Every Tuesday in October, we celebrated Island Chef Pepper Co!
Island Chef Pepper Co is the LOCAL brand behind The Official Year of the Taco Hot Sauce, plus has stepped up to make sure you get your Sriracha needs met so you don’t need to worry about a shortage. Every Tuesday a bottle of both could be coming your way. Check out everything Island Chef Pepper Co has to offer on their webpage – and don’t forget to use the code ZONE to get a discount.

Every Tuesday in November, we celebrated Finest at Sea!
The Year of the Taco celebrated November with $30.00 gift cards every Tuesday so you could once again enjoy everything Finest at Sea has to offer! Find them at Fisherman’s Wharf! Halibut, Lingcod, Sockeye, seared smoked Tuna, spicy poached Octopus – looking for a fish taco? Look no further!
What Zoners Have To Say.

Taco Humour
Q: How do taco chefs live their lives?
A: By seasoning the moment!
Q: Why did the baker open a tortilla factory?
A: For the extra dough!
Q: What is a spicy taco’s favorite movie?
A: Catch me if you Cayenne!